InterGest Malta:

A specialist in tax planning and tax structuring for international clients

Intergest Malta offers the core services that a client would expect from an Intergest partner when setting up a business and its operations in Malta. This includes all company formation legalities, all business and legal administration of the business, tax advisory and payroll services to name a few. What is interesting to note is that Intergest Malta is also a specialist in tax planning  and tax structuring for international clients, groups of companies, investors, high net worth individuals, funds and entrepreneurs that are seeking tax efficient solutions and asset protection. Thomas Jacobsen and Chris Armstrong, partners of Intergest Malta have a wealth of experience in setting up tax efficient structures for a variety of differing industries and have gained the trust of high net worth clients and ultra-high net worth clients, their tax advisors and family office advisors in multiple jurisdictions around the world.

The attractive tax system in Malta allows for an effective rate of taxation of 5% for companies with trading activities and 10% for income of a more passive nature. The Malta tax system also allows for a holding of equity shares in another company held by a Maltese entity to be disposed of tax free if structured correctly. Malta, as an EU Member state also abides by the EU Parent Subsidiary Directive which allows for the elimination of tax on repatriation of profits from a subsidiary in one EU member to a Parent Company in another EU Member state. This allows for several tax planning opportunities and efficiencies whether as a stand alone company in Malta, part of a group of companies within the European Union or as an entry point for investors outside of Europe looking to set up a commercial and tax efficient base in the EU. Malta is also well connected with over 70 double taxation agreements in place with all major jurisdictions allowing for further options and flexibility for tax planning.

Intergest Malta can assist with setting up bespoke tax efficient structures in a number of different industries and has particular expertise in setting up tax efficient Intellectual Property and Royalty Income structures, trading organisations that trade across many EU countries, e-commerce trading companies and tax efficient structures for companies or individuals having a portfolio of investments held for capital growth or tax efficient income generation.

Malta, due to its location in the Mediterranean is also an interesting place to import superyachts and aircraft into the EU.  As an import into the EU, if an aircraft or superyacht travels into the EU it is generally subject to VAT at the point of entry. If structured and planned correctly, it is possible to either reduce the VAT rate to a maximum of 6% on import and/or defer the VAT payable over a 3 – 10 year period. Intergest Malta can assist with this process and can also structure for asset protection and succession planning.

Finally, Malta is a jurisdiction that has legislation for foundations as used mainly in continental Europe and has trusts legislation as used more commonly in the United Kingdom. This legislation offers extra flexibility when planning for succession planning.

For further information on the above and a more detailed explanation please feel free to contact Intergest Malta for a free initial consultation.